Research Work
Being active in research (both in Academics and Industry), I find it immensely important to share the latest research findings with my peers. I have spent the last 18 years, in research and development of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, Digital Marketing, Keyword Research and much more.
On this page, I will share my published, unpublished, and in-progress scientific work. Suggestions, comments and thoughts are very important for scientific work and I would be very thankful for all the suggestions.

Faisal Shahzad
Hi, I am Faisal. I am working in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Data Sciences since 2002. I love to hack workflows to make life easy for people around me and myself. This blog contains my random thoughts and notes on Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Static WordPress Hosting with Netlify and CloudFlare Pages, Python, Data Science and open-source projects.